LS2 헬멧 OF570 베르소 싱글 모노, 무광티타늄

가격 : 119,000 108,290원 9%


LS2 헬멧 OF570 베르소 싱글 모노, 무광티타늄
판매가격은 실제로 다를 수 도 있습니다


  • 사이즈 너무너무 작아요! 59cm 머리 = XXL! —— The sizing of this helmet is REALLY small. My head is 59 cm around, which means I should wear “L” according to the sizing chart. That’s what I ordered, and I could barely get my head into the helmet. I actually looked at the tag inside the helmet to see if they had accidentally sent me the wrong size. Nope. I got the right size but it was a struggle to put on and it was painfully tight. Also, my ears felt like they were just barely covered. So I returned it and got XXL. It’s still a snug fit, but it’s wearable. Maybe it’s supposed to be really snug? I’ve only been riding for two years, so I’m not very experienced with helmet sizing. All I know is my previous helmet was loose and ill-fitting. The rotating disc (see the closeup photo) that raises and lowers the sun visor is a bit hard to grip, but I suppose I’ll get used to it over time. Also, lifting the face shield will also lift the sun visor if it’s already engaged. Nice feature unless you don’t want that. The helmet squeezes the temples more when the face shield is down. The helmet comes in a nylon carrying case and includes a big plastic thing which I assume can be attached and worn under the face shield, like a full-face helmet? I dunno. I don’t see myself using it. One last thing about this helmet is the really short chin strap. I actually like it because it means I won’t have excess strap flopping around in the wind, but it might be a problem if you have ... “a lot of chin.” I already have the chin strap almost extended to its maximum length, and my chin isn’t all that big. Overall, this seems like a high-quality helmet compared to the $30 Aura helmet that I’ve been wearing for two years. I have no idea how they got the sizing so incredibly wrong, but if you can get the right size then I think you’ll be happy with this helmet.


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